
Contact Us

Reservations and questions about your order, information about rental terms and conditions and much more.
Official accounts on social networks
To corporate clients
Concluding a corporate agreement, calculating the tariff for car leasing. Leave your contactshere, so we can contact you or write to us m.musaelyan@rentmotors.am
To agents
Rentmotors invites agents to work together. For information, technologies and commercial offers, please follow the link: For partners.
For partners
If you have ideas for partnership with Rentmotors, please send your proposal to: m.musaelyan@rentmotors.am
If you want to open your own business under the Rentmotors brand or get advice, please leave your contacts here or write to us at m.musaelyan@rentmotors.am
Our manager will contact you and advise you on all your questions and commercial terms.
Gratitude, suggestions, complaints
You can send a message using the form Feedback
Банковские реквизиты
Общество с ограниченной ответственностью ООО «РЕНТМОТОРС»
ИНН 7701886012
КПП 7701010001
ОГРН 1107746618011
Юридический адрес:
105005, г. Москва, Фридриха Энгельса ул., дом №3-5, строение 1
Фактический адрес:
105005, г. Москва, Фридриха Энгельса ул., дом №3-5, строение 1
Расчетный счет 40702810438000046552
Корреспондентский счет 30101810400000000225
БИК 044525225
Телефон (495) 921-38-38